Saturday, May 4, 2024

दादा दादी


ऐसे तो हर रोज़, उपवन में हैं जाते

बच्चे, बड़े और बूढ़े, सभी हैं आते

शोर कुछ ज़्यादा था आज

हवा की लहर चल रही थी आज

फिर भी दिल को छू लिया

एक नई बात ने आज

ज़ील झूला झूल रही थी

अंबर को जैसे छू रही थी

बैंच पर बैठे बैठे मैं

माँ से फोन पर बात कर रही थी

तभी सामने क्या देखा

बालक नन्हा गोद में

बिठाया उसे झूले में

मिट्टी पर बैठ पाँव पसारे

दादी उसे झूला रही थीं

सामने से बालक की

किलकारी गूंज रही थी

और पास में खड़े उसके दादा

दोनो को मुस्काते देख रहे

मेरी आँखें वहीं टीकी रही

माँ से नज़ारे का वर्णन करती रही

कुछ देर के लिए हम

खो गए उस पल में

जब तू ऋषि, खेलता था

दादा दादी की गोद में

ज़ील ने भी कहा मुझे, 

माँ, शाम को जब नहीं होती थी आप

दादी ले जातीं मुझे,उपवन में अपने साथ

भुवन, वैभवी, वैष्णवी, 

आयशा, इरा, निहित और 

सबसे छोटा प्यारा अद्वैत

बच्चों, तुमने भी बिताया होगा

ऐसा सुंदर समय

दादा दादी से कहानियाँ सुनना

बगीचे में उनके साथ टहलना

भूख लगी तो "दादी खाना दो"

बाहर जाओ तो "दादू चॉकलेट दिला दो"

बचपन की यह बातें कर के

ज़ील और मैं घर के लिए निकल चले

मन में एक बात आई

जो ज़ील के स्कूल ने है बताई

इस गर्मी की छुट्टियों में

भूल ना जाना यह बात

दादा दादी के साथ 

समय बिताना ज़रूर ! 

ज्ञान की बातें, धर्म की बातें, 

कहानियाँ और मज़ेदार किस्से

सुनना ज़रूर ! 


दादा दादी का प्यार 

है सबसे कीमती उपहार!! 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Balcony - A space Zingy


Staring.... At the sky

Gazing.... At the stars

Breathing.... The pure air

Puzzling.... At the tranquility around

Smelling.... The garden-fresh flowers

Watching.... The still water

Paddling.... The lonesome boat

Relishing.... The steaming breakfast

Musing.... On the wilderness

Soothing.... The light breeze

Imposing.... The vastness all over

Showing.... The kind self

Smiling.... The happy heart

Promising.... The day ahead


My Procrastinating thought. :) 

What's yours? 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Twinkle in her eyes!

--- Satya  Betai  (c)  19 Mar  2020

The malls, cinemas, gyms, temples…..all ordered to shut down by the Indian government. Alas, this new virus called as Corona, has been wandering here and there doing long journeys from different countries and coming to India.

Lucky, that it was vacation time for my little daughter. But government orders meant enjoy the vacation indoors. Uuh; who has heard of an “Indoor Vacation”? My mind didn’t seem to tolerate the idea of my daughter having being restricted to stay at home. So, it played a trick. Minds always play trick. Don’t they! It translated the unusual two combination words to “Stick indoors within society premises”.  Sounds good, I felt. And then, I decided to teach cycling (without the supports) to my doll. 

Off I went to the cycle shop to get the cycle back in shape. And the training started. Good lights at evening 5 PM. All set. We chose the back side of our small society. After all we couldn’t afford to break our bones with the speed-breakers on the front. I started giving instructions to Zeel as she tried sitting on the cycle seat. Right foot on the pedal, put all your strength on pedal, face looking at front, holding the handles tightly….and ho ho, it started rolling with me holding her shoulders from the back. 

The emotions were running high. And, opposite to start with. Zeel, little afraid and me all excited (as if I was a cycle training coach). The cycle stopped and ran, breaks happened in between, emotions also tuning in up and down. Meanwhile, another girl Nidhi was watching this training session. A tall girl with long hair . She came to me and requested if I could teach her riding Zeel’s cycle. She gave a background of how her cycle’s seat wouldn’t stay in one place and there was no air in the tyres. And so we started. Zeel happily shared her cycle to Nidhi. After few rounds, she was more than happy to take a break. 

So, I poured in the same instructions. And Nidhi seemed to get those very well. After about 5 to 6 short trials, she seemed to roll the pedals twice independently. As a thought ran in my mind, she remarked “Aunty, my fear is gone. I used to be afraid. But trying this cycle today, my fear has vanished!” Her wavelength matched with my thought, that in 4 to 5 days she would learn to ride cycle without the supports. Voila!

The day’s session was over with a promise to meet next day. But Nidhi’s smile over conquering fear, remained in my mind. Bringing smile on my face too. The bell rang. As I opened the door, Nidhi was standing. And she asked if we could practice. It was 8 PM. I softy turned it down saying it was dark and so risky. Later, after dinner, as I and Zeel’s papa were sitting on the bench in the society, the sounds of cycling and some voices rang in the ears. And to my surprise, it was Nidhi, practicing her cycle with her grandfather. So, there was this girl, who had resolved to learn riding. The feeling of glee ran through again and again in my heart, seeing her enthusiasm. A class 4 girl, focused on her newly decided goal!

The next day was as usual. News of Corona virus all around. We had cycle riding session for Zeel in the morning.  It seemed that my excitement was at the peak, trying to conduct double sessions in a day, to make best use of the 15 day lock-in period. But no, it was Nidhi’s resolution that would now move the mountains. It was 4 PM. I heard her voice, so stood at the window. Thought she was practicing riding her cycle. But to my surprise, saw that she was riding it without the supports. One round, second round, third round and ho…she had learnt it! My heart was screaming inside with joy that she had picked up riding without supports in 24 hours!!

She asked me when I was coming down. And she would show her new skill. At 5 PM when Zeel and I went down, Nidhi showed her magic. Gracefully, no fear whatsoever, she rode her cycle. And she told me again “I could ride easily after my fear subsided. My feet were rolling the pedals automatically, as my grandfather pushed from back”. She wore a big smile. She had been enjoying riding cycle for 3 hours that day. There was no fatigue, but a twinkle in her eyes! 

Life’s simplest pleasures bring in the most joy.

Drop the fear. Carry the passion to learn in your heart. 

Friday, June 28, 2019


Dear Umang, Ruchira, Kavita, Basant, Sunil, Jigar, Digant, Harish, Slesha, Ankita, Rajni, Dipti, Rupa and Sumeet

It was a Super surprise yesterday when all of us - Amrit Jyoti school friends connected on whatsapp.!
It inspired to pen down my thoughts ! This is for all of you !
( I hope names of couple of teachers mentioned are correct. )

दोस्तों का साथ, दोस्तों की बातें 

एक अरसे के बाद अमृत ज्योति का लोगो देखा
जब उमंग तुमने, मुझे व्हाट्सएप्प पर ऐड किया 

आज सिर्फ बारिश का मौसम नहीं है बाहर 
एक खुशनुमा , स्कूल के दिनों का मौसम भी है भीतर  

यह सुनहरी बूंदे सिर्फ मिटटी की खुशबु नहीं ले आई
पुराने दोस्तों की यादें भी लायीं 

मेरे घर के बाहर , गुलमोहर का जो पेड़ है 
हेर एक फूल, और में रोज़ मिलते हैं 
लेकिन आज बूंदों में भीग कर, देखो यह कैसे खिले हैं 
बस दोस्तों, यही हाल मेरे दिल का भी है 

संस्कृत की टीचर  को कैसे परेशान करते थे बच्चे 
इंग्लिश की मीना टीचर को पसंद करते बच्चे 
योगेश सर गुजराती सिखाते 
कन्नन टीचर खेल सिखाती !

आज कभी मेरी बेटी पूछती है " मां, में कब रंगो वाला फ्रॉक पहनूंगी ?"
तो अपने स्कूल का ओपन ड्रेस कोड याद आता है 
मज़ेदार था न दोस्तों, रंगबिरंगी कपड़ों में हर रोज़ स्कूल जाना !
अन्य बच्चों को कहाँ था ये मौका !

कुकरी क्लास लाजवाब था 
बनाने में मन लगे न लगे, खाने में बड़ा मज़ा था !
वह दिन खूब याद रहा, जब चॉकलेट बनाया था !

दोस्तों, तुमने आज यादों का खज़ाना खोल दिया है 
दुनिया गोल है, कहते हैं, पुराने दोस्त मिल जातें हैं 
सच है यह बिलकुल....
आज वर्चुअली मिले हैं, कुछ ही समय में आमने सामने मिलेंगे..
और तब होगा, दोस्तों का साथ, दोस्तों की बातें !

--- Satya  Betai  (c)  28  June  2019

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Children's Day
                 - 14 Nov 2018

Every day is Children's day, heart says. There is something new,  something amusing in their daily deeds,  that lights up the day for the family members. And at times, they sprinkle a surprise.

So, the other afternoon she and I, as usual planned to take a nap. Sharing 1 story each is the ritual. Mummy to share 1 story and Zeel to share 1 story. My mind popped up one story. Then came my little girl's turn.

She started "One day there 2 friends. One name - Rita and one name Titha. Titha go to Rita house. Rita give food to eat. Vegetables and fruits. (Switches to Hindi now). Titha ko accha laga. Woh apne ghar gayee aur mumma ko bataya usne kya khaya. Mumma aur Titha khoosh ho gaye."

I started clapping and said " Very good story ", now ready to close eyes and sleep.

But the story, it seems was not over yet. She remarked looking at me - "Moral of story is..." And I couldn't help hiding my smile thinking that my little girl has a message from the story. At the same time, was wondering what could be the moral in this case. While the mind ran these thoughts in those few seconds, she continued with her words, again switching to Hindi.

" Moral of story is... Hume doosre ki help karni chahiye. " ....I  (deliberately trying to stop laughing ) asked her " Kaise help Karni chahiye ? "
She answered " Jab koi ghar pe aaye to paani dena chahiye. Banana aur healthy food dena chahiye ! "

Out came a burst of laughter from within, enjoying the innocent moment, feeling so proud that my little girl has , for the first time,  attached a moral to a story. !!!

Stories are a daily routine between us, but this one was with a twist at the end !

A very happy Children's day dear Zeel !!!